Thursday, December 25, 2008

Arrived safely

We Arrived safely back home in Adelaide on Sunday morning.
It was great to see the family with a few tears. It was a lovely warm day of 27 degrees and we left behind a -7 degrees celcius. We are starting to get over the jet lag. The kids were fantastic on the 24 hour flight home. When we arrived the first things i did was to have chicken chips, farmers union ice coffee and of course the good old aussie meat pie. I hope everyone has a great christmas and to my friends back home i do miss yous all very much.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

flying home to Australia

Tommorow Friday the 19th December is the day we fly home to spend christmas with our families.
Oue Children are very excited to see everybody as it has been 12 months since we have seen everyone, the only thing we are not looking forward to is the 24hour flight but i will try to sleep as much as possible . I will try to blog from Australia.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Friday D Day


learning to ski

On Saturday our family went to Mont Bruno and Myself and Chanelle had our first skiing lesson.
both of us did really well and i was glad to come home with out any bruises. I must admit that i will get more enjoyement out of skiing than snowboarding at least this way i will be able to sit down without having a sore bottom. The rest of the family did their snowboarding and my other two kids did pretty well. But i have one husband who now has a sore back and elbow, i think you could say he had one to many falls.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

kids having fun

On Tuesday after school the kids couldnt wait to get home to go sledding down our front yard from the hill.They had lots of fun.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Chanelles Abc christmas party

Our youngest had her christmas breakup party for pre kindy, all the kids sung a few songs in french and the one song i loved was about reindeers jumping on a roof it goes like this

Three little reindeers jumping on the roof, one falls off and hurts his hoof

santa calls the doctor and the doctor says tie those reindeers to your sleigh and then it goes to two etc

Santa even came to the kindy and chanelle couldnt wait to sit on his lap and talk to him.

All the kids had a fantastic time

Monday, December 1, 2008

work social club dinner

Last saturday night we had Andrews work dinner.

We had a great night ,the food was lovely and i danced all night and had sore feet by the end only downfall was getting hit in the face with a morraca and ending up with a flat lip but accidents do happen

Thursday, November 27, 2008

first night and day of snow

Our kids are getting excited as we had our first night and day of snow.

There wasnt very much but it wont take long and they will have plenty to play in.

But we will miss 5 weeks of it as we are heading down under for holidays, its strange to be going from minus 5 to 35 degrees celcius

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

broken tooth

Wednesday ice skating lesson.
At todays lesson our son falls over just before the end of the lesson and breaks his front tooth.
Next we know we are sitting in the dentists and luckily they are open untill 9pm,At this stage they have rebuilt the tooth but he might have to end up having a root canal if the nerves have been damaged.
I think we will have to take out some sort of accident insurance as its always him that gets hurt.
First incident roller blades down a bridge and hits shin on bar and splits it open.
second falls flat on back and cant walk for at least 1/2 hour
third incident is his tooth
what do you think?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

playing at kindy

My youngest just loves going to pre kindy and she adores her teacher. The teacher takes then into the gym and they run around and play games etc

Sunday, November 2, 2008

halloween night

We went to our friends house for halloween and our kids went trick or treat with their kids.

They came home with so much candy. Chanelle our youngest of 3 loved dressing up.

Then it was time to have our dinner which was very nice.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

dressing up


This was our first Halloween party that our family has been to and the kids were really excited about going.Our friends Michelle,Craig and kids hosted this wonderful event.

There was apple bobbing and searching inside the pumpkin for money which consisted of cooked spaghetti,pumpkin seeds and the children loved these events. Natalie made some ginger snaps which were scrumptious and i loved Michelle's Mummy hot dogs which were very clever. At the party were ghosts,witches,grim reapers,skeleton bride,Raggedy Ann,chef,etc

Thanks for a great night guys.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

pumpkin picking

Chanelles ABC pre kindy teacher decided to take the class pumpkin picking.

The kids watched a witch show and then they were given a drink of milk and a cookie and then it was time to go pick our pumpkins . Chanelle and myself enjoyed this as it was a first time for us.

All the kids played on the playground and then it was time for the bus ride back to pre kindy.

botanical gardens/ lanterns


Our family went with some friends to the chinese lantern show at the Botanical Gardens.

Before the night had barely started our son bradley decide he was going to do a stupid trick and was trying to jump up high forgetting he was wearing wheelie shoes slips and falls flat on his back on the cement so he could hardly walk for a while.

once feeling better we carried on and the lanterns we saw were magnificent as this is something we have never seen before. The decorated pumpkins were fantastic and Chanelle thought the lady that was dressed as the witch was okay.Overall it turned out to be a fairly good night except for the accident, but he is getting better.

Friday, October 24, 2008

my husband

I met Andrew when i was 21 and on october the 3rd 2008 was our 16th wedding Anniversary.

Andrew and myself are not the lovey dovey type of couple in public but we do have a very strong bond and we know that we both love each other very much

Andrew is a wonderful husband and father and he has always looked after and supported us.

He has made sure that we have had a lovely house and any time i have wanted to do things he has always agreed to it, he is a very easygoing man and most of the time we have never had to really go without anything even when we got the opportunity to move to canada he said if i didnt want to move that was fine. He has always put us first so it was about time we thought about him and this was one way of showing him how much i love him and putting him first for a change and that is why we are living in canada for a while. They say that love grows stronger day by day and i truly do believe this.


October 24th 2008

Here i am sitting and thinking about my mum and dad who i miss very much.

If someone had of said to me a couple of years ago that i would be living in another country i would of said no way i could never leave my family.

Well we are in another country which is Canada, a lot of the time i do find it very hard as i miss my family terribly . I cant find the right words to express how much i love my parents.

My mum is a very loving and caring lady who has tried to give her children a better life than she had as a child. I miss our shopping trips, going for walks, just sitting around their house talking,and most of all knowing that she is only around the corner.

Mum the best thing you gave me was being my mum and i wouldnt give that up for a million years.

My dad is a man who says what he thinks and as a child i always remember him coming home from work and playing games with us and calling him frosty. I know he loves me and we do also have a close relationship and whenever i needed help to do something or to put something together he would offer to help, he really is a softie at heart and i wouldnt want any other dad

So at times i do find myself wanting the next two years to hurry up so i can go back home to be

with my family again.

Friday, October 17, 2008

bonfire and toasted marshmallows

The kids loved toasting marshmallows in the bonfire.

I had to take one photo of the fire and i loved this one

more photos

thanksgiving weekend

Thanks to our lovely friends Craig and Michelle and family we spent a relaxing and wonderful weekend at their cabin . we had bonfires and toasted marshmallows and the kids just loved running around the bushes and playing army soldiers.

On Sunday the 12Th October we went to lake Placid and had a look in all the beautiful shops and the scenery , on the drive home it was so spectacular with all the Autumn foliage on the trees and the mountains were fantastic which is something i have not seen before, especially all the different colours of the trees.

On Monday we went to Santa's village near white face mountain which our youngest thoroughly enjoyed especially seeing Santa.,then we went into plattsburgh to do a bit of shopping.

The drive home wasn't as exciting as it took us 3 hours to get through the border as there were so many cars all trying to cross as well.

I would just like to say thank you very much again for letting us stay and your cabin is absolutely gorgeous.